Adding Options + Updating Our Site
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Adding Options + Updating Our Site

Hey folks!

We've been busy again. :) Take a look around our new-and-improved website and let us know what you think! Any edits from those close admirers we have are appreciated - we'll be the first to recognize we're human. We are continuously offered the opportunity to grow.

We're feeling much the same way about our pickup services now as well. While our weekly pickup has continued to gain traction, we've also been getting common requests for less frequent pickup models. So many people have asked that we decided to add two different pickup schedules to our route: bi-weekly and monthly pickup options.

The two less frequent pickup options are just the right speed for homes that have a few less people, that maybe like to travel a bit more, or that frequently eat out. If you know someone that a less-frequent model might work for, let us know! We're more than willing to help.

We also officially added commercial and event pickup options for those of us who might need more than a bucket or two for their organic waste. If you own a restaurant, work in an office, or are hosting a party any time soon, consider us as your food waste caterers!

Check out all the options and more here.



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